Ah, summer. Blen is enjoying it all. She loves playing outside (since day 1 home, even the snow didn't slow her down). Her favorite water activity is to be 'dunked' under water, "(a)gain" and "(a)gain", also to be pulled around like a motorboat. She's also mastered bubble blowing.
She is a typical kid - you can never push her long enough on the swing; sand goes directly on her hair-in buckets; she can't reach the peddles but still rides her ticycle and big wheel down the sidewalk-chasing her brother; she loves to climb up the ladder to our treehouse, then sits on top of slide and says "weeee" until she is acknowledged -then slides down and starts again; she loves to "smell" flowers-blows on them instead of breathing in; she tolerates going for bikerides on a seat behind dad, but quickly begins kicking him, often, when she's "all done".
Her vocabulary has grown considerably. She'll now repeat almost any words requested. She continues to be a good eater and sleeps ~12hrs each night.
She daily asks for her "pretty" - a barrette in her hair. Whenever she is told she looks/is pretty, she'll immediately point to the side of her hair the barrettes typically sit. While her "pretties" are just that, she has no idea what a beautiful girl SHE is. I continue to melt whenever she smiles and those smiles are happening more frequently each day.
I am so proud of you for trying so hard with her hair! Hair is a big cultural divide here in our country and abroad. I think she will thank you one day! Hugs, Jacqui