the love of a brother

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


We had our Hep.A & Yellow fever shots, we're done taking our Typhoid series of pills, next up is begin Malaria meds and continue to take each day while we're there. With water. Which we have to be sure has come from a new water bottle that is sealed and covered with plastic. No prob. Can't have the ice in drinks. Warm pop? Not so much. Beer anyone? Hmmm, It's not like I'm pregnant or nursing...
Next up is contacting banks in the area to get thousands worth of crisp $100 bills that are dated >2004 typical of any vacation, yes?
Almost finished getting the donations together (thank you Karen Schultze & Wyoming Park UMC!)also gifts to the >25 persons that work in various aspects of our children's care...court worker, driver, RNs, MDs, caregivers, etc.
Last but not least, we may have the chance to meet the birth family. If the information on file at her original orphanage is correct, any available family will be contacted. If we're blessed to meet, I have prepared a photobook to give including photos of family, our home, and interests. Waiting to get the book delivered here. May be the most 'thoughtful' gift I could ever give someone.


  1. This is so exciting! But it sounds like a lot of work and a lot of small details to think about! Maybe it's an emotional day, but reading your few blog posts has my eyes welled up with tears. I'm just so very excited for you that the day is so close now. I can't even imagine what it must have been like waiting all this time. As you said, I know God has big plans for Addison's life and I only hope she learns quickly how lucky she is to have such a wonderful family as the Brookhouses! I really hope we can see you all tomorrow!

    Much Love, Paige

  2. Wow, I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to read the rest of the story. Safe travels to you.

  3. great idea to make the book for her family! I am looking forward to reading the updates posted here, keep them coming:) I loved the pics of her bedroom , it looks fantastic and decorated beautifully. have a safe trip and I can't wait for you to meet Addison, i am thinking of you guys.

  4. Have a safe trip! My daughter Emmy and I are following your adventure and can't wait for further developments! Mary
