What a difference 8 weeks makes. Blen now willingly goes from mom's arms to dads. She sleeps through most nights. She loves to play outside. She loves her brother and calls him "Jo". She's learned the word "No" and says it often. We think she learned it from Joel constantly telling her not to touch his toys, that seems to happen alot. Sharing has not been easy and may never. Joel is learning if he has a toy she wants, it's not appropriate to stand there and say no with the toy within her grasp. Or to lead her upstairs then proceed to his bedroom, shut the door and enjoy his personal toy haven where all things truck go for shelter.
Our dear friend, Sarah VanderHart, hosted a shower for close friends & family. Blen received some 'awesome' sandbox toys. Joel wanted to "HAVE" the dump truck & police car 'molds'. I explained it was a present to Blen, but they will be SHARED with him. He wasn't a fan of this news. He cried, then said he doesn't want toys ANYMORE...until Christmas. I then pulled out the gift two friends bought for him so he "wouldn't feel left out". I asked if he wanted me to save it until Christmas. "I guess I can open it now", he replied.
The new & improved Brookhouse family remains a work in progress. But what a blessing it has become. We couldn't have done it without all the love, support, and prayers from so many.